Eä Tolkien Society Monthly Meeting Notes, April 2016
Ea Tolkien Society Notes
April 16, 2016
Attended: Richard, Hawke, Chris, Brian (online: Jeremiah, Ardamir)
1. Introduction
2. Brian read notes of March meeting.
3. Group discussion of different British accents.
4. Jeremiah commented on reporters no longer required to use "The Queen's English."
5. Hawke referred to Seamus Heaney, and his evocative translation of the Aeneid published posthumously. See here and here.
6. Richard made a connection to Languages at the End of the Third Age, footnote 16 about Orcish. Each tribe had their own language.
7. We all admired the 2011 reprint of Mr. Bliss (read last month).
8. Hawke read our monthly piece from Vinyar Tengwar (Issue 3, Jan. 1989). It covered "OrcTalk" which reminded us of a talk show.
9. This led to comments on Michael Martinez' "Raw Hobbit" (see Merpcon 4, 2008)
10. Ardamir in Finlandasked if we knew of any RPG companies hiring.
11. We then turned to the work British company Cubicle 7 has done on The One Ring RPG system, set in Middle-Earth. Most recent modules released are Horse-Lords of Rohan, Journeys and Maps, and Erebor.
12. Chris read Tolkien Society News from HQ in the UK. Springmoot is happening, and a "Tolkien Seminar" again this summer, based on the theme of mortality and immortality in Tolkien's works (100 years after the Battle of the Somme to which JRRT was a witness).
13. Hawke updated us on his cameo in the recent filming of Journeyquest Season 3 in Seattle.
14. Hawke also read the next Michael Martinez essay, "Can Middle-Earth Survive" (a new phase of marketing right as the movies were about to be released.
15. Discussion how JRRT won the 1957 Int'l Fantasy Award @ Worldcon; the Tolkien Estate vs. Tolkien Enterprises; and a discussion of fan fiction, legal battles, etc.
16. Brian read Tolkien Letter 114... to Hugh Brogan, schoolboy. Delay in publishing LOTR, is sure it will be finished soon. Comments again on Farmer Giles of Ham (which Jeremiah read to his daughter, to her great enjoyment).
17. Chris read Letter 115... to Katharine Farrer about stories.
18. Richard read Letter 116... to publishers Allen & Unwin. He did not like their pick of the artist for Farmer Giles. General discussion of artists for Middle-Earth and their relative merits. Show link here for artwork of Ar-Pharazon's fleet going into the West. Numenor comments.
19. Hawke read Letter 117, again to Hugh Brogan. Tolkien finished writing LOTR in 1948 at the time of this letter, although he would niggle at it for the next 20 years in small revisions. His magnum opus was complete.
20. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, May 14, 1 pm @ Hawke's house. We will read another piece by Vinyar Tengwar, Michael Martinez, and Letter 118 of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
Respectfully submitted to the Shiriffby the hairy-toed Secretary for the Ea Tolkien smial of the Tolkien Society,Brian Huseland