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Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for April 17th, 2021

by Hawke published Apr 18, 2021 11:50 PM, last modified May 16, 2021 07:41 AM
Ea Tolkien Society Smial, an official chapter of the U.K. Tolkien Society. Meeting Notes from April 17 2021

Ea Tolkien Society Smial

Video of meeting: 

Hail and well met!

April 17, 2021


1. Attending: HR, CK, RB, CN, JW, BH
2. BH read Feb notes (no March mtg)
3. Did anyone chart Tolkien’s travels?
4. HR started by reading jokes from *A Dragon Walks into a Bar*, by Jef
5. Update on The One Ring Kickstarter. Raised 20 million.
6. Discussion of table-top role playing games.
7. Tolkienmoot XVII discussion.
8. CK shared news that Project Northmoor did not buy Tolkien’s house.
9. Amazon series—New Zealand tourism
10. April 16 Variety magazine.
11. Review of the Golden Age of Numenor. Tar-Aldarion to Tar-Minastir.
12. Tolkien Society Awards 2021
13. World War One—Tolkien, and the Dedication of the US National World
War One Memorial on April 16th
14. Letter 182
15. Discussion of Oxford colleges and academic lifestyle/politics.
16. Letter 183
17. The idea of quest from Tolkien’s perspective vs. Auden’s point of
18. Middle-earth holidays topic for next month.
19. Next meeting May 22, 2021, from 1-3 pm PST.



7. Next meeting: May 22nd, 2021. 

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