Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for June 2019
Meeting notes from our June 2019 monthly Eä Tolkien Society Meeting. Many thanks to Brian Huseland our society secretary for the notes. See you at next month's meeting!
11:52 AM (15 minutes ago)
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June 15, 2019
Eä Tolkien Society of the Inland NW
Attended in person: Hawke and Richard
1. Introductory comments
2. Reading of the notes from May's meeting.
3. Comments arising from notes:
- Hawke clarified the Meet-up group for Ea Tolkien Society shut down, but others such as Music Jam (Song of Arda) still going, and posted our meetings on the RPG meet-up
- Reminder that Tolkien Moot XV moved to October 19th due to other commitments.
- Looking forward to 2nd Edition of The One Ring RPG system next year
- Hawke's anecdote about the postman asking his opinion
- Questions about Earendil's armor and Bilbo's mithril-coat. Research?
- (Secretary found some comments here
4. Richard commented on constructed languages (conlang critic Youtube channel). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJOh5FKisc0hUlEeWFBlD-w
5. Hawke read Tolkien Letter 157
- (1954) refers to the recent publication of The Two Towers
- various statements to Katherine Farrer
- JRRT comments on the word Anglo-Saxon "ent" as giant
- behind on the Appendices
- Chris Tolkien not able to help with maps
6. Hawke read Tolkien Letter 158
- JRRT takes issue on Two Towers jacket blurb
- see image here: https://www.ebay.com/i/264367367949?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=264367367949&targetid=538495508095&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9033664&poi=&campaignid=1881946470&mkgroupid=74094014870&rlsatarget=pla-538495508095&abcId=1139336&merchantid=7893164&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoMixicWK5AIVhtdkCh3r6g3iEAQYAyABEgKxuvD_BwE
- Hawke riffs on being misquoted
- Richard riffs on the challenge of summarizing one's own work
- Editors can butcher the author's intent
7. Hawke read Tolkien Letter 159
- Reflections on seeing the "fairy-story" find an eager audience
- Tolkien compares his literary "machine" to CS Lewis
- Tolkien thought the Inklings did not influence one another ("too set and too different)
- Contrast between their enjoyment of each other's presence & conversation vs. understanding the other's mind.
8. Hawke and Richard discuss their struggles and successes in writing
9. Discussion of the Golden Key (MacDonald) and Smith of Wooton Major (Tolkien).
10. Star Wars and the development of the nine stories: changes in purpose from beginning to the end
11. Decision to postpone next reading of Fall of Gondolin until next meeting
The meeting was not followed by one in July; therefore next meeting is August 17, 2019, 1-3 pm.