Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for June 2020
Dear Hawke,
After a few months’ hiatus, we resumed the Ea Tolkien Society in June.
Here's what we discussed:
- Tolkien Society Seminar on July 4
- the death of Sir Ian Holm this month, and a short bio on his career
- the topic of illustrations of Tolkien's books on Middle Earth (
- Examples of book covers that don’t seem to match the author’s intent.
- the latest news on the Amazon "LOTRPrime" project, and what does it
mean that Tom Shippey's no longer a consultant?
- Read Letters of JRR Tolkien #172, 173, 174 with focus on topics such
- "Celticness"
- the publication of The Return of the King in October 1955
- Latest issues of Amon Hen and Mallorn out (from the Tolkien Society)
- What parts of LOTR were filmed in the spring and summer of 2000,
twenty long years ago, pre-9/11!
Submitted by Brian Huseland
Secretary of the Smialf