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Eä Tolkien Society Meeting Notes for December 18th, 2021

by Hawke published Jan 14, 2022 11:50 PM, last modified Jan 15, 2022 12:16 AM
Ea Tolkien Society Smial, an official chapter of the U.K. Tolkien Society. Monthly meeting notes.

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Eä Tolkien Society Meeting
Spokane, Washington
November 20, 2021

Attended: Drake, Hawke, Corey, Anthony, Gary, and Brian

1. Drake gives the background to the author Robert Jordan
a. Wheel of Time series: his magnum opus
b. Perspective = Limited omniscient 3rd person
c. Jordan's inspiration was D&D gaming
d. Setting includes ideas of reincarnation
e. He wrote about a dozen books and his family found someone to finish it:
Brandon Sanderson
f. Sanderson was inspired by Jordan
g. Wheel of Time about struggle of good and evil, & fate. The One Power.
The Dark One is bound. Three boys Takes place over a few years.

2. Influence of Tolkien
a. Trollocs = his version of orcs
b. Good vs evil on a cosmic level
c. Dark One = Morgoth
e. Similarity: world-building & legends as basis, epic scope, influencers

3. Differences between Tolkien and Jordan
a. Apples and oranges?
b. Strong internal monologue (Jordan) vs. grand overview (Tolkien)
c. Drake appreciated Jordan’s grittiness
d. Debate & friendly discussion

4. Last comments

5. Anthony read letter 193
a. Dwarvish voices/The Nature of Middle Earth
b. Orcs and their English:

6. Gary and Corey read Tolkien's letter 194
a. Discussion about the adaptation for BBC radio in 1955/1956.

7. Next authors to discuss: *Terry Brooks*, George R. R. Martin, Terry
Goodkind, Feist, Margaret Weisman, Paolini?

(We will look at Tolkien's influence on Terry Brooks in December)

8. Next meeting: December 18, 2021


Next meeting: 1-3 pm PST8/PDT7, December 18th, 2021


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