Eä Tolkien Society February 2017 Meeting Notes
Herewith these notes are presented by yours truly, The Secretary.
February 18, 2017
Attendees: Richard, Corey, Chris(paid U.K. TS member), Hawke (president & paid U.K. TS member), and Brian (secretary president & paid U.K. TS member).
1. Brian read January notes.
2. Hawke went over some administrivia and informed us that the Winter 2016 issue of Mallorn and Amon Hen 263 are both recently out.
3. Tolkien Moot XIII will be July 15 this year. It continues the storyline from 2016 with the new theme of Mordor. GMs are needed. See link for Tolkienmoot.org<http://Tolkienmoot.org>.
4. Chris read Tolkien's letter 132. Richard shared The footnote about Wrenn succeeding Tolkien as professor of Anglo-Saxon and Richard read article about 1951 rationing in Britain.
5. Brian gave context to the mysterious Dr. Furor who gave hams to C.S. Lewis and friends. See http://ponderingprinciples.com/2015/04/lewis-the-hams/
6. We discussed rationing during WWII and after, contrasting Europe and America.
7. Our "Martinez Moment"... Nov. 5, 1999 in the book Visualizing Middle Earth; essay "The Merchants of Middle Earth". This describes currency... the Shire penny, and Gondorian coins tharni, castar, kanath, and mirien. Tolkien gave some thought to economic life. Dwarves trade, men, elves.The Northern economy of Eriador in old times was Arthedain vs, Angmar. THIRD age 1409... Tharbad, Bree, Fornost. This picture of the economic patchwork of Middle Earth, organized in population centers but shaky elsewhere. This reflected commerce in old European times.
8. Our next meeting is Saturday, March 18, from 1-3 pm at Hawke's house.
Brian Huseland